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How to Find Part-Time Jobs in Japan as a Nepali Student

A Nepali student doing part-time jobs in Japan.

Table of Contents

Key Highlights


As a Nepali student studying in Japan, finding part-time jobs can be a great way to support yourself financially and gain valuable work experience. Japan offers a wide range of job opportunities for international students, and Nepali students can take advantage of these opportunities to not only cover their daily expenses but also immerse themselves in the Japanese culture. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of finding part-time jobs in Japan as a Nepali student.

Understanding the Japanese job market and its requirements is crucial for Nepali students seeking part-time employment. Language skills play a vital role in finding suitable job opportunities, as most jobs require proficiency in Japanese. Additionally, cultural immersion is an important aspect of studying in Japan, and part-time jobs can provide an excellent opportunity for Nepali students to interact with locals and learn about Japanese work culture.

In the following sections, we will discuss the importance of part-time jobs in Japan, explore key sectors for Nepali students in the Japanese job market, and provide essential preparations before looking for part-time jobs. We will also guide you through the process of finding part-time jobs, including creating a Japanese-style resume, searching for job opportunities online and offline, and preparing for interviews. Finally, we will discuss legal considerations and visa requirements for working in Japan as a Nepali student.

Understanding the Japanese Job Market for Nepali Students

The Japanese job market offers various opportunities for Nepali students studying in Japan. However, understanding the job market and its requirements is crucial for a successful job search. As an international student, it is important to be aware of the specific rules and regulations regarding part-time work. The Japanese job market values higher education, and having a degree from a Japanese university or vocational college can provide an advantage in finding part-time employment. Additionally, networking and building connections with professionals in your field of study can open doors to job opportunities.

The Importance of Part-Time Jobs in Nepal

Part-time jobs are crucial for Nepali students studying in Japan as they help cover the cost of living and provide financial support. Japan is known for its high cost of living, and part-time jobs can help students manage their expenses and reduce the burden on their families. Moreover, working part-time allows students to gain practical experience, develop essential skills, and improve their language proficiency. Part-time jobs also provide an opportunity for students to immerse themselves in the Japanese culture, interact with locals, and enhance their overall experience of studying in Japan. Additionally, part-time jobs can help students build a professional network, which can be beneficial for future career opportunities.

Key Sector for Nepali Students in Japanese Job Market

The Japanese job market offers various sectors and industries that are well-suited for Nepali students studying in Japan. The choice of sector largely depends on the student’s field of study and the skills they have acquired. Japanese universities and vocational colleges provide a wide range of courses in different disciplines, such as engineering, IT, hospitality, healthcare, and business administration. Nepali students studying in these fields can find part-time job opportunities related to their areas of expertise. For example, engineering students can work in manufacturing companies or research institutions, while hospitality students can find employment in hotels, restaurants, or event management companies. It is important for Nepali students to explore job opportunities in their specific field of study to gain relevant work experience and enhance their career prospects.

Essential Preparations Before Looking for Part-Time Jobs

Before starting the process of looking for part-time jobs in Japan, there are certain essential preparations that Nepali students should undertake. First and foremost, developing language proficiency in Japanese is crucial, as most job opportunities require communication skills in the local language. Taking Japanese language courses or engaging in language exchange programs can help improve language skills. Additionally, gaining a deeper understanding of Japanese culture and work etiquette is important for successful integration into the workplace. Familiarizing yourself with the application process, including preparing a Japanese-style resume (Rirekisho), can also improve your chances of securing a part-time job.

Learning Basic Japanese for Daily Communications

Developing language skills in Japanese is crucial for Nepali students studying in Japan. Basic proficiency in Japanese is essential for daily communication and can greatly enhance your experience of living and working in Japan. Learning Japanese will not only help you in your part-time job search but also in your daily life, as it allows you to communicate effectively with locals, navigate the city, and build relationships. Language proficiency also opens doors to more job opportunities and helps in cultural immersion, as it allows you to understand and appreciate Japanese customs, traditions, and work culture. Taking Japanese language classes or engaging in language exchange programs can help improve your language skills and boost your confidence in using Japanese in various settings.

Understanding Japanese Work Culture and Etiquette

Understanding Japanese work culture and etiquette is crucial for Nepali students seeking part-time jobs in Japan. Japanese work culture is known for its emphasis on teamwork, punctuality, and respect for authority. It is important to familiarize yourself with the work culture in your specific industry and adhere to the established norms and practices. Japanese society values hierarchy and respect, and it is important to maintain a polite and professional demeanor in the workplace. Being punctual, dressing appropriately, and demonstrating a strong work ethic are highly valued in Japanese work culture. Additionally, understanding and respecting cultural differences can help you form positive relationships with your colleagues and superiors.

Beginner's Guide to Finding Part-Time Jobs in Japan

Finding part-time jobs in Japan can be challenging for Nepali students, but with the right approach and preparation, it is possible to secure suitable employment. The application process typically involves creating a Japanese-style resume (Rirekisho) and conducting job searches online and offline. It is important to tailor your resume to the specific job you are applying for and highlight relevant skills and experiences. Job search platforms, both online and offline, can help you find job openings in your desired field. Networking, attending job fairs, and contacting the Japanese government’s job placement services can also increase your chances of finding part-time job opportunities.

What You will Need to Get Started

Before starting your part-time job search in Japan, there are certain necessary documents and paperwork that you will need to have in order. These include a valid passport, a student visa, and a certificate of eligibility. It is important to ensure that your passport is up to date and valid for the duration of your stay in Japan. A student visa is required for Nepali students studying in Japan, and it is essential to have this document in order to legally work in the country. Additionally, a certificate of eligibility, issued by the Japanese embassy or consulate in your home country, is required for applying for a student visa. It is important to have all these documents in order before starting your part-time job search to avoid any legal complications.

Step 1: Creating a Japanese-Style Resume (Rirekisho)

Creating a Japanese-style resume, known as Rirekisho, is an important step in the application process for part-time jobs in Japan. Unlike a traditional resume, a Japanese-style resume requires specific formatting and includes personal details such as age, gender, and marital status. It is essential to carefully follow the guidelines for creating a Rirekisho and include relevant information about your education, work experience, and skills. Creating a well-organized and professional-looking resume can greatly improve your chances of securing a part-time job in Japan. Additionally, the process of creating a Japanese-style resume can also be an opportunity for personal growth and self-reflection, as it allows you to assess your skills and experiences and present them in a concise and effective manner.

Step 2: Searching for Job Opportunities Online and Offline

When searching for part-time job opportunities in Japan, it is important to explore both online and offline platforms. The Japanese job market offers various online platforms specifically designed for part-time job searches. These platforms allow you to search for job openings, create profiles, and submit applications online. Additionally, attending job fairs, networking events, and contacting the Japanese government’s job placement services can provide offline opportunities for finding part-time jobs. Here are some popular online platforms and resources for finding part-time jobs in Japan:

Hello Work is a government-run job placement service that offers job listings and resources for foreigners in Japan.

 GaijinPot is an online platform that provides job listings and resources for foreigners in Japan.

Indeed is a popular job search engine that offers job listings in various industries and locations in Japan.

Many Japanese companies post job openings on their official websites, so it is important to visit company websites directly for potential job opportunities.

Step 3: Applying for Jobs - Tips and Strategies

Applying for part-time jobs in Japan requires careful preparation and attention to detail. When submitting your application, it is important to carefully review the job requirements and tailor your application to highlight relevant skills and experiences. When preparing for interviews, practice common interview questions and research the company to demonstrate your interest and knowledge. Language requirements vary depending on the job and industry, but having proficiency in Japanese can greatly enhance your chances of securing a part-time job. It is important to showcase your language skills during the application process and highlight any language certifications or courses you have completed. Additionally, demonstrating a strong work ethic, punctuality, and professionalism can leave a positive impression on potential employers.

Step 4: Preparing for The Interview- Common Questions and Proper Attire

Preparing for the interview is an essential step in the process of finding part-time jobs in Japan. Researching common interview questions and practicing your responses can help you feel more confident and prepared. Some common interview questions in Japan may include:

It is important to dress professionally for the interview and adhere to the dress code of the company. In Japan, conservative business attire is typically expected for interviews and professional settings. Demonstrating cultural sensitivity and understanding during the interview process can leave a positive impression on potential employers and showcase your ability to adapt to Japanese work culture. Additionally, highlighting practical skills and experiences relevant to the job can help you stand out as a candidate.

Balancing Work and Study as a Nepali Student in Japan

Balancing work and study can be challenging for Nepali students in Japan. It is important to manage your time effectively to ensure that your academic performance is not compromised. Here are some tips for balancing work and study:

Create a schedule and prioritize your tasks based on their deadlines and importance.

Set aside dedicated time for studying and work, and avoid distractions.

Reach out to your professors, classmates, or academic advisors for support and guidance.

Allow yourself breaks to relax and recharge, as working and studying can be mentally and physically demanding.

Ensure that you are getting enough sleep, eating well, and engaging in physical activity to maintain your overall well-being.

Balancing work and study requires discipline and effective time management skills, but with proper planning and organization, it is possible to excel in both areas.

Time Management Tips for Juggling Studies and Part-Time Work

Juggling studies and part-time work requires effective time management skills. Here are some tips to help you manage your time effectively:

Set aside specific times for studying, attending classes, and working.

Determine the most important tasks and prioritize them accordingly.

Utilize apps or tools to help you stay organized and manage your time efficiently.

Break larger tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

 Set achievable goals for your studies and work, keeping in mind your personal expenses and academic study requirements.

Allow yourself short breaks to relax and recharge, ensuring you maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Effective time management will not only help you succeed academically but also allow you to perform well in your part-time job while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The Impact of Part-Time Jobs on Academic Performance

Part-time jobs can have both positive and negative impacts on academic performance for Nepali students in Japan. While part-time jobs provide financial support and practical skills, they can also take up valuable study time and energy. It is important to find a balance between work and study to ensure academic excellence. Here are some tips to help you maintain a strong academic performance while working part-time:

Make studying your top priority and allocate sufficient time for coursework and assignments.

Discuss your academic commitments with your employer and ensure they are aware of your study schedule.

Develop effective time management skills to balance work and study commitments.

Reach out to your professors or academic advisors for guidance and support.

Ensure you are getting enough rest, eating well, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle to ensure optimal academic performance.

By finding a balance between work and study, you can make the most of your educational journey in Japan while gaining practical skills and financial support through part-time employment.

Legal Considerations and Visa Requirements for Working in Japan

Working part-time in Japan as a Nepali student requires understanding the legal considerations and visa requirements. Nepali students studying in Japan are typically on a student visa, which allows them to work part-time under certain conditions. It is important to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations set by the Ministry of Justice regarding part-time work for international students. These regulations include restrictions on the number of working hours per week and the types of work permitted. It is important to ensure that you comply with these regulations to avoid any legal complications and maintain your student visa status.

Types of Work Permitted for Nepali Students on a Student Visa

Nepali students on a student visa in Japan are permitted to work part-time under certain conditions. The Ministry of Education in Japan has specific regulations regarding the types of work that are allowed for international students. Here are some common types of work that are generally permitted for Nepali students on a student visa:

It is important to note that there may be restrictions on the number of hours you can work per week, and it is important to check with your university or the Ministry of Education for specific guidelines.

Necessary Documentation and Procedures for Employment

Before beginning employment in Japan, there are certain necessary documentation and procedures that Nepali students must complete. Here are some important documents and procedures for employment:

Ensure that your passport is valid for the duration of your intended employment.

Check that your student visa allows for part-time work and is still valid.

If required, obtain a certificate of eligibility from the Japanese embassy or consulate in your home country.

It is recommended to open a bank account in Japan to receive your salary.

Familiarize yourself with the tax procedures and requirements for part-time employees in Japan.

Ensure that your residence card is up to date and valid for employment purposes.

It is important to follow the necessary procedures and have the required documentation in order to legally work in Japan as a Nepali student.


In conclusion, navigating the Japanese job market for Nepali students requires understanding cultural nuances, learning basic Japanese, and familiarizing yourself with legal requirements. Finding part-time jobs involves creating a Japanese-style resume, searching for opportunities, acing interviews, and being aware of your rights. Balancing work and study is essential, so managing time effectively is crucial. Remember to prioritize your academic performance while working part-time and ensure compliance with visa regulations. By following these steps diligently, you can embark on a successful journey of working part-time in Japan as a Nepali student.