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A Step-by-Step Guide for Nepali Students to Study in Japan

A student Aspiring to Go to Japan.

Table of Contents


Studying abroad has become an exciting opportunity for students looking to broaden their horizons and gain a competitive edge in their education. Among the many countries that offer excellent study opportunities, Japan stands out as an attractive destination for Nepalese students. With its unique blend of traditional culture and technological advancements, Japan offers a rich academic experience and a chance to immerse oneself in a vibrant society.

Japan’s higher education system is renowned for its academic excellence and research opportunities. The country’s universities consistently rank among the top in the world, providing students with access to cutting-edge research facilities and renowned professors who foster critical thinking and innovative approaches to learning. Additionally, Japanese universities offer a wide range of academic programs and majors in various fields of study, allowing students to pursue their passions and interests.

Beyond the academic realm, Japan offers a rich cultural experience for international students. The country’s rich cultural heritage, traditional arts, tea ceremonies, and festivals provide a unique opportunity for cultural immersion. At the same time, Japan is at the forefront of technological innovation, making it an ideal destination for students interested in fields such as engineering, technology, and business.

In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide for Nepali students looking to study in Japan, covering essential preparations, the application process, settling in Japan, adapting to the education system, scholarship opportunities, and more. Whether you are interested in pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate studies, this guide will help you navigate the process and make the most of your study abroad journey in Japan.

Understanding The Appeal of Studying in Japan

Japan offers a unique appeal for Nepali students looking to study abroad. From its quality education system to its rich cultural heritage, there are several reasons why studying in Japan is an attractive option.

One of the key highlights of studying in Japan is the quality education and research opportunities available. Japanese universities are renowned for their academic excellence and cutting-edge research facilities. Many universities consistently rank among the top in the world, providing students with access to world-class professors and a rigorous academic curriculum. Whether you are interested in STEM fields, humanities, or social sciences, Japanese universities offer a wide range of programs and majors to choose from.

In addition to the academic aspect, studying in Japan offers an unparalleled international experience. Japan is a culturally rich country that blends tradition with modernity. By studying in Japan, Nepali students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in Japanese culture and customs, from traditional arts and tea ceremonies to modern pop culture and technological innovations. This cultural immersion provides a unique perspective and broadens students’ horizons.

Another advantage of studying in Japan is the safety and security the country offers. Japan is known for its low crime rates and strict adherence to safety protocols. Nepali students can have peace of mind knowing they are studying in a safe environment and can focus on their studies without unnecessary worries.

Quality of Education and Research Opportunities

Japanese universities are known for their high-quality education and research opportunities. The country’s higher education system consistently ranks among the top in the world, attracting students from all over the globe. Japanese universities offer a wide range of academic programs and majors in various fields of study, allowing students to pursue their passions and interests.

One of the key strengths of Japanese universities is their research programs. Japanese universities have a strong focus on research and innovation, making them ideal institutions for students interested in pursuing research-based careers. The universities provide state-of-the-art research facilities and renowned professors who are experts in their respective fields. Studying at a Japanese university allows students to engage in cutting-edge research and contribute to advancements in their chosen field.

Japanese universities also prioritize academic excellence. The curriculum at Japanese universities is rigorous and challenging, aimed at fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students are encouraged to think independently and develop innovative approaches to learning. Additionally, the universities have strong ties with industries, providing opportunities for internships and collaborations that enhance students’ practical skills and real-world experience.

Overall, studying at a Japanese university offers Nepali students a high-quality education and invaluable research opportunities. Whether students are interested in pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate studies, Japanese universities provide a solid foundation for personal and academic growth.

Cultural Richness and Safety for International Students

Studying in Japan not only provides a quality education but also offers a unique cultural experience for international students. Japan is a culturally rich country that blends tradition with modernity, providing students with a chance to immerse themselves in a vibrant and diverse society.

One of the highlights of studying in Japan is the opportunity for cultural immersion. Nepali students have the chance to explore traditional arts, tea ceremonies, festivals, and other cultural activities unique to Japan. By participating in these cultural experiences, students gain a deeper understanding of Japanese culture and customs, fostering a broader perspective and appreciation for diversity.

In addition to cultural richness, Japan is known for its safety and security. The country has one of the lowest crime rates in the world, providing a safe environment for international students. Japanese society places a strong emphasis on respect, courtesy, and discipline, creating a peaceful and inclusive community for students to thrive in.

Moreover, Japanese universities and institutions prioritize the well-being and support of international students. They provide various support services, including orientation programs, academic counseling, and cultural adjustment programs, helping students adapt to their new environment and make the most of their study abroad experience.

Overall, studying in Japan offers Nepali students not only a high-quality education but also a chance to immerse themselves in a culturally rich and safe environment. By studying in Japan, students can broaden their horizons, gain a global perspective, and develop valuable cross-cultural skills.

Essential Preparations Before Applying

Before applying to study in Japan, there are essential preparations that Nepali students should consider. These preparations will help ensure a smooth transition and a successful application process.

One of the key preparations is understanding the application process. Researching the requirements and deadlines of your chosen universities is crucial. This includes gathering the necessary documents, such as academic transcripts, standardized test scores, recommendation letters, and personal statements. Familiarize yourself with the application process and start preparing the necessary documents well in advance.

Another important preparation is language proficiency. While some universities in Japan offer programs taught in English, language proficiency in Japanese is often required. It is advisable to take language courses or self-study to improve your Japanese language skills before applying. This will not only enhance your chances of admission but also facilitate daily life and cultural immersion in Japan.

Financial planning is also essential before applying to study in Japan. Consider the tuition fees, cost of living, and other expenses associated with studying abroad. Research scholarship opportunities, both from the Japanese government and private organizations, as well as financial aid options to help cover the costs. Creating a budget and exploring part-time work options, if allowed, can also contribute to financial planning.

By taking these essential preparations before applying, Nepali students can set themselves up for a successful study abroad journey in Japan.

Researching Japanese Universities and Courses

Researching Japanese universities and courses is an important step for Nepali students planning to study in Japan. By conducting thorough research, students can make informed decisions about their choice of university and field of study.

Japan is home to numerous universities offering a wide range of academic programs and majors. Researching these universities will help students find the ones that align with their academic goals and interests. Consider factors such as university reputation, faculty expertise, course offerings, and research opportunities. University websites, rankings, and online forums can provide valuable insights into the universities.

When researching Japanese universities, it is important to consider the field of study you are interested in. Different universities excel in various fields, so it is important to find universities that are renowned for your chosen field. Whether you are interested in STEM fields, humanities, social sciences, or arts, there are Japanese universities that offer programs and research opportunities in those areas.

To help students in their research we have listed top universities and courses to study in Japan below:

Top Universities in Japan:

UniversitiesQs Ranking Universities(2024)
The University of Tokyo28
Kyoto University46
Osaka University80
Tokyo Institute of technology91
Tohoku University113
Kyushu University164
Nagoya University176
Hokkaido University196
University of Tsukuba355
Tokyo Medical and Dental University611

Best Courses to Study in Japan



By thoroughly researching Japanese universities and courses, Nepali students can find the best fit for their academic and career goals, ensuring a rewarding study abroad experience in Japan.

Assessing Financial Requirements and Budget Planning

Assessing financial requirements and budget planning is an important step for Nepali students planning to study in Japan. By understanding the financial aspect of studying abroad, students can plan and manage their expenses effectively.

One of the key financial considerations is tuition fees. Japanese universities charge tuition fees for their programs, and the fees can vary depending on the university and field of study. It is important to research and understand the tuition fees of the universities you are interested in to ensure they are within your budget.

In addition to tuition fees, students should consider the cost of living in Japan. This includes accommodation, transportation, meals, textbooks, and personal expenses. The cost of living can vary depending on the city and lifestyle choices. Creating a budget that takes into account all these expenses is crucial for financial planning.

To further help students in their journey to Japan we have listed average university fees for different programs:

Average University Fees

ProgramCost to Study (in USD) per Year
Bachelor’s Degree20,000 – 40,000
Master’s Degree12,000 – 16, 000
Doctorate Degree5,000 – 10,000

By assessing financial requirements and planning a budget, Nepali students can ensure a smooth financial journey while studying in Japan. This will help alleviate financial stress and allow students to focus on their studies and overall experience in Japan.

Beginner's Guide to Application Essentials

Applying to study in Japan may seem daunting, but with the right guidance and preparation, it can be a smooth process. This beginner’s guide will provide Nepali students with an overview of the essential application essentials.

The application process for studying in Japan typically involves several steps. It is important to familiarize yourself with the requirements and deadlines of your chosen universities. This includes gathering the necessary documents, such as academic transcripts, standardized test scores, recommendation letters, personal statements, and proof of language proficiency.

Language requirements are an important consideration when applying to study in Japan. While some universities offer programs taught in English, many require a certain level of proficiency in Japanese. It is advisable to take language courses or self-study to improve your Japanese language skills before applying.

Once you have received an acceptance letter from a Japanese university, the next step is to apply for a student visa. The process involves obtaining a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) from your host university, applying for a student visa at the nearest Japanese embassy or consulate in Nepal, and submitting the required documents.

By understanding and following these application essentials, Nepali students can navigate the application process and increase their chances of a successful study abroad journey in Japan.

Necessary Documentation for Nepali Students

When applying to study in Japan, Nepali students need to prepare the necessary documentation to complete the application process and obtain a student visa. The following documents are typically required:

 A valid passport is essential for international travel and the student visa application process. Ensure that your passport is valid for the duration of your intended stay in Japan.

The COE is an important document issued by your host university in Japan. It certifies that you meet the necessary requirements to study in Japan and is required for the student visa application.

Submit official academic transcripts from your previous educational institutions, including high school and any completed higher education.

Depending on the requirements of your chosen university, you may need to provide scores from standardized tests such as the JLPT or NAT.

Some universities may require one or more letters of recommendation from teachers or professors who are familiar with your academic abilities and character.

It is important to carefully review the application requirements of your chosen universities to ensure you provide all the necessary documentation. Keep in mind that additional documents may be required, depending on the university and the field of study.

By preparing the necessary documentation in advance, Nepali students can streamline the application process and ensure a smooth transition to studying in Japan.

Choosing the right Course and University

Choosing the right course and university is a crucial decision for Nepali students planning to study in Japan. The choice will greatly impact the academic journey and future career prospects.

Japanese universities offer a wide range of academic programs and majors in various fields of study. When choosing a course, consider your interests, strengths, and career goals. Research universities that offer programs aligned with your chosen field of study. Look into the specific requirements and admission criteria for each program, such as prerequisite courses, portfolios, or interviews.

Consider the reputation and ranking of the university in your field of interest. Top universities in Japan include the University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Osaka University, and Tokyo Institute of Technology. However, there are many other universities that offer excellent programs in specific fields.

Explore the curriculum, faculty expertise, and research opportunities of each university. Consider the career prospects and alumni success in your chosen field. By thoroughly researching and comparing different universities and courses, Nepali students can make an informed decision and find the best fit for their academic and career goals.

Step-by-Step Process for Application

The application process for studying in Japan involves several steps. Here is a step-by-step guide to help Nepali students navigate the process:

Start by researching universities and programs that align with your academic goals and interests. Consider factors such as reputation, course offerings, and faculty expertise.

Gather the necessary documents for your application, including academic transcripts, standardized test scores, recommendation letters, and personal statements. Make sure to fulfill any language proficiency requirements.

Follow the application instructions provided by the universities and submit your application by the deadline. Pay any application fees required.

After submitting your application, wait for the universities to review your application. If accepted, you will receive an acceptance letter from the university.

Once you have received an acceptance letter, apply for a student visa at the nearest Japanese embassy or consulate in Nepal. Prepare the necessary documents, including a valid passport and the Certificate of Eligibility (COE) issued by your host university.

By following this step-by-step process, Nepali students can ensure a smooth application journey and increase their chances of being accepted to study in Japan.

Step 1: Fulfilling Language Requirements

Fulfilling language requirements is an important step for Nepali students planning to study in Japan. While some universities offer programs taught in English, many require a certain level of proficiency in the Japanese language.

It is advisable to start learning Japanese and improving your language skills before applying to study in Japan. There are various language schools, both in Nepal and Japan, that offer Japanese language courses specifically designed for international students.

The specific language requirements can vary depending on the university and the program. Some universities require a certain level of proficiency in the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), while others may have their own language assessment tests.

By fulfilling the language requirements, Nepali students can enhance their chances of admission to their chosen universities and have a smoother academic and social experience in Japan.

Step 2: Applying for Student Visa and COE

After receiving an acceptance letter from a Japanese university, the next step is to apply for a student visa and Certificate of Eligibility (COE). Here’s how to navigate the process:

Your host university in Japan will apply for the COE on your behalf. The COE certifies that you meet the necessary requirements to study in Japan. Once your COE is ready, it will be sent to you or your designated representative.

With the COE in hand, apply for a student visa at the nearest Japanese embassy or consulate in Nepal. The visa application form is available on the official website of the embassy or consulate. Prepare the required documents, including your valid passport, COE, completed visa application form, passport-sized photographs, and proof of financial support.

Submit your visa application, along with the required documents, to the Japanese embassy or consulate. Pay any visa application fees, if applicable. The processing time for the visa application can vary, so it is recommended to apply well in advance.

By following these steps, Nepali students can obtain a student visa and the necessary documentation to study in Japan. It is important to carefully review the visa application requirements of the Japanese embassy or consulate and submit the necessary documents within the specified timeframe.

Settling in Japan: What to Expect

Settling in Japan can be an exciting and enriching experience for Nepali students. To help you prepare, here are some key aspects to expect:

Japanese daily life is known for its punctuality, efficiency, and cleanliness. Familiarize yourself with Japanese customs and etiquette to ensure a smooth transition into Japanese society.

Japan offers various accommodation options for students, including dormitories, shared apartments, and private rentals. Some universities also provide on-campus housing for international students. Consider your preferences, budget, and proximity to your university when choosing accommodation.

Japan has a well-developed transportation system, including trains, buses, and subways. Familiarize yourself with the public transportation options in your area and consider obtaining a commuter pass for convenience and cost savings.

Japanese society places a strong emphasis on respect, politeness, and harmony. Nepali students should be mindful of cultural differences and strive to adapt to the local customs. Building relationships and making friends with Japanese students and locals can greatly enhance your experience in Japan.

By knowing what to expect and being prepared, Nepali students can settle in Japan smoothly and make the most of their study abroad experience.

Finding Accommodation: On-Campus vs Off-Campus

When studying in Japan, Nepali students have the option to choose between on-campus and off-campus accommodation. Here are some factors to consider:

Many universities in Japan offer on-campus housing options for international students. On-campus housing provides convenience and easy access to university facilities. It also offers opportunities for cultural exchange and interaction with fellow students. However, on-campus housing may have limited availability and can be more expensive compared to off-campus options.

Off-campus housing includes shared apartments, private rentals, and homestays. Off-campus housing can provide more independence and flexibility in terms of location and budget. It may also offer opportunities to interact with the local community and experience Japanese daily life. However, off-campus housing requires more effort in terms of finding suitable accommodation and managing living arrangements.

Consider your preferences, budget, and proximity to your university when choosing between on-campus and off-campus housing. Research the available options, visit housing websites, and consult with your university’s international student office for guidance and support.

Navigating Daily Life: Transportation, Food, and Communication

Navigating daily life in Japan involves understanding the transportation system, adapting to Japanese customs, and effective communication. Here are some tips to help Nepali students:

 Japan has a well-developed transportation system, including trains, buses, and subways. Familiarize yourself with the local transportation options and obtain an IC card for easy travel. Learn how to read subway and train maps, and consider using smartphone apps for navigation.

Japanese society places a strong emphasis on politeness, respect, and harmony. Familiarize yourself with Japanese customs, such as bowing, removing shoes indoors, and using honorific language. It is also important to be mindful of personal space and noise levels in public places.

While English is spoken in some tourist areas, Japanese is the primary language in daily life. Learning basic Japanese phrases and greetings can greatly facilitate communication. Carry a pocket dictionary or use translation apps to help with language barriers.

By familiarizing yourself with the transportation system, adapting to Japanese customs, and improving communication skills, you can navigate daily life in Japan effectively and make the most of your study abroad experience.

Adapting to the Japanese Education System

Adapting to the Japanese education system is an important aspect of studying in Japan. Here are some key factors to consider:

The Japanese education system consists of elementary, junior high, high school, and higher education. Higher education includes universities, colleges, and vocational schools.

The academic year in Japan typically starts in April and ends in March. Familiarize yourself with the academic calendar of your university, including the start and end dates of semesters, holidays, and exams.

Japanese universities use a grading system that typically ranges from A to F, with A being the highest grade. The specific grading criteria may vary depending on the university and program.

Japanese universities offer a wide range of extracurricular activities, including sports clubs, cultural clubs, and student organizations. Engaging in extracurricular activities can enhance your university experience and provide opportunities for personal growth and cultural adjustment.

By understanding the Japanese education system, academic calendar, grading system, and extracurricular activities, Nepali students can adapt effectively to the Japanese university environment.

Scholarship Opportunities and Financial Assistance

Scholarship opportunities and financial assistance are available for Nepali students studying in Japan. These resources can help alleviate the financial burden and make studying abroad more accessible. Here’s what you need to know:

Japan offers various scholarships specifically for international students. These scholarships can be merit-based, need-based, or sponsored by government organizations, foundations, or private companies. Research and identify the scholarships that you may be eligible for. Pay attention to the application deadlines and requirements.

In addition to scholarships, financial assistance options are available to support Nepali students studying in Japan. These may include loans, grants, and work-study programs. Consult with your university’s financial aid office or scholarship office for information on available financial assistance.

By exploring scholarship opportunities and financial assistance options, Nepali students can make their study abroad journey in Japan more affordable and accessible.

Scholarships Available in Japan

To further help students we have listed down different scholarships available in Japan:

Name of ScholarshipAmount (Per Year)
Japanese Government Scholarships for Research StudentsJPY 1,728,000
J.T Asia ScholarshipJPY 1,800,000
Sato Yō International ScholarshipJPY 2,160,000
Aichi Scholarship ProgramJPY 1,800,000
YKK Leaders 21JPY 240,000

Part-Time Work Options for Students

One of the benefits of studying in Japan is the opportunity for part-time work, which can help students cover their personal expenses and gain valuable work experience. International students are allowed to work part-time while studying in Japan, as long as they meet certain requirements. These requirements include maintaining a full-time student status, obtaining permission from the Immigration Bureau, and not exceeding the maximum number of work hours allowed per week.

Part-time work opportunities in Japan are diverse and can range from retail and hospitality to tutoring and language teaching. These opportunities provide students with the chance to improve their language skills, interact with locals, and gain practical experience in their chosen field of study. However, it is important for students to balance their part-time work commitments with their academic responsibilities to ensure academic success.


Studying in Japan offers a blend of academic excellence, cultural immersion, and safety for Nepali students. By understanding the educational landscape, financial planning, and application process, you can pave the way for a successful academic journey in Japan. Embrace the rich cultural tapestry, navigate daily life with ease, and engage in campus activities to truly experience Japan. Explore scholarship opportunities and part-time work options to support your studies. With proper preparation and a positive mindset, you can embark on this educational adventure with confidence and enthusiasm. Start your journey towards studying in Japan today!