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NAT (Nihongo Achievement Test)

Key Highlights


Welcome to the beginner’s guide to the Nihongo Achievement Test (NAT). If you’re interested in learning the Japanese language or want to assess your proficiency, this guide is here to help you understand the test and provide tips for preparing and achieving success.
The Nihongo Achievement Test is an examination designed to measure the Japanese language ability of non-native speakers. It is a comprehensive and standardized test that evaluates language skills in three categories: grammar/vocabulary, listening, and reading comprehension. The test is available in five levels, ranging from beginner to advanced, allowing test takers to choose the appropriate level based on their language proficiency.
Whether you are planning to study in Japan, work in a Japanese-speaking environment, or simply want to enhance your language skills, the Nihongo Achievement Test can be a valuable tool. By obtaining a JLPT certification through this test, you can demonstrate your language proficiency to Japanese universities, employers, and other institutions.
In this guide, we will walk you through the key highlights of the Nihongo Achievement Test, explain the importance of the test, compare it to the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), provide tips for preparing for the test, and offer guidance on what to expect on test day. So, let’s dive in and begin your journey towards mastering the Japanese language!

A Man studying for NAT Japanese Language Test

Understanding the Nihongo Achievement Test in Nepal

The Nihongo Achievement Test holds great significance for those in Nepal who are learning the Japanese language. As a non-native speaker, taking this test can help you gauge your language proficiency and assess your readiness for further studies or career opportunities in Japan.
Nepal has seen a rise in interest in the Japanese language, and many language schools and education centers offer Japanese language courses. The Nihongo Achievement Test serves as a benchmark for students to measure their progress and set goals for improvement. It provides an objective evaluation of their language skills, allowing them to identify areas that require further attention.

The importance of Nihongo Achievement Test

The Nihongo Achievement Test holds immense importance for individuals seeking to pursue higher education in Japan or work in a Japanese-speaking environment. Japanese universities often require applicants to demonstrate a certain level of language knowledge, and the Nihongo Achievement Test can serve as proof of proficiency.

For test takers, the Nihongo Achievement Test provides an opportunity to assess their language skills objectively and identify areas for improvement. By receiving a score report, they can understand their strengths and weaknesses, and focus their efforts on enhancing their language knowledge.

Additionally, holding a JLPT certification can enhance job prospects in fields that require Japanese language skills. Employers recognize the value of individuals who have achieved a certain level of proficiency in the language, as it indicates their ability to communicate effectively and navigate Japanese work culture.

Differences between Nihongo Achievement Test and JLPT

While the Nihongo Achievement Test and the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) serve similar purposes, there are some key differences between the two.

The Nihongo Achievement Test is specifically designed for non-native speakers of Japanese, while the JLPT is open to anyone interested in testing their Japanese language proficiency, including native speakers. The Nihongo Achievement Test focuses on evaluating overall language skills, including grammar/vocabulary, listening, and reading comprehension, while the JLPT assesses proficiency in reading, listening, and grammar.

Moreover, the JLPT is administered by the Japan Foundation, while the Nihongo Achievement Test is conducted by the Nihongo Kentei Kyokai. Both tests have their own respective levels, with the Nihongo Achievement Test aligning with the JLPT levels. It is important to consider the specific requirements of universities, employers, or institutions when deciding which test to take.

Preparing for Your First Nihongo Achievement Test

Preparing for your first Nihongo Achievement Test requires careful planning and dedicated study. Building your language proficiency and familiarizing yourself with the test format are essential steps to ensure success.

To begin your preparation, create a study schedule that allows for regular practice. Consistency is key when it comes to language learning, so allocate specific time slots for studying Japanese and stick to the schedule. This will help you develop a routine and ensure that you cover all necessary aspects of the language.

A student preparing for a test

Essential Resources and Materials You will Need

To effectively prepare for the Nihongo Achievement Test, you will need access to essential resources and materials. These resources can help you familiarize yourself with the test format, practice sample questions, and improve your Japanese language skills. Here are some key resources to consider:

Remember to use these resources in conjunction with your study schedule to ensure a well-rounded preparation for the Nihongo Achievement Test.

Setting Up a Study Schedule That Works

Setting up a study schedule that works for you is crucial for effective preparation for the Nihongo Achievement Test. Here are some tips to help you optimize your study schedule:

By effectively managing your time and structuring your study schedule, you’ll be better equipped to prepare for the Nihongo Achievement Test and achieve a higher score.

Step-by-Step Guide to Beginning Your Nihongo Study

Embarking on your Nihongo study journey requires a step-by-step approach that covers various aspects of language learning. Here is a guide to help you get started:

Begin by understanding the format of the Nihongo Achievement Test. Familiarize yourself with the sections, question types, and time limits. This will give you a clear idea of what to expect on test day.

Build a strong foundation of basic vocabulary and grammar. Focus on essential words, phrases, and sentence structures that are commonly used in everyday conversations.

 Develop your listening and speaking skills by engaging in conversations with native speakers, watching Japanese movies or TV shows, and listening to podcasts or audio lessons. Practice speaking Japanese aloud to improve fluency.

 Improve your reading comprehension by reading books, newspapers, and articles in Japanese. Practice writing by keeping a journal or writing short essays in Japanese. Pay attention to kanji, hiragana, and katakana characters.

 Regularly simulate test conditions by taking practice tests under timed conditions. This will help you familiarize yourself with the pressure and time constraints of the actual test.

By following these steps and maintaining a consistent study routine, you can make steady progress in your Nihongo study journey.

Step 1: Familiarize Yourself with the Test Format

Before diving into your Nihongo study, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the test format of the Nihongo Achievement Test. Understanding the structure and requirements of the test will help you prepare more effectively.

The Nihongo Achievement Test consists of three sections: grammar/vocabulary, listening, and reading comprehension. Each section assesses different aspects of your language skills, and your overall score is a reflection of your performance in these sections.

To register for the test, you will need to visit the official website of the Nihongo Achievement Test and follow the registration instructions. Pay attention to the registration deadlines and ensure you have all the necessary documents and information ready.

By understanding the test format and requirements, you can approach your Nihongo study with a clear plan and focus on the areas that require improvement.

Step 2: Start with Basic Vocabulary and Grammar

Once you are familiar with the test format, it’s time to start building a strong foundation in basic vocabulary and grammar. These two aspects are fundamental to understanding and communicating in Japanese.

Begin by learning essential vocabulary words and phrases that are commonly used in everyday conversations. Start with basic topics such as greetings, numbers, colors, and common objects. Gradually expand your vocabulary to cover more diverse topics.

Alongside vocabulary, focus on mastering basic grammar structures. Understand sentence patterns, verb conjugation, and sentence formation. Practice constructing simple sentences and gradually progress to more complex ones.

To enhance your comprehension skills, engage in reading exercises that use the vocabulary and grammar you have learned. Start with simple texts and gradually move on to more challenging materials. This will help you develop your reading skills and improve your overall comprehension of the language.

Step 3: Incorporate Listening and Speaking Practice

Developing your listening and speaking skills is crucial for effective communication in Japanese. Incorporate regular listening and speaking practice into your study routine.

To improve your listening skills, expose yourself to a variety of Japanese audio materials such as podcasts, music, and news broadcasts. Listen actively and try to understand the context and meaning of the spoken words. Take advantage of listening exercises and practice tests to sharpen your listening comprehension.

For speaking practice, engage in conversations with native Japanese speakers whenever possible. This could be through language exchange programs, language schools, or online language platforms. Practice speaking aloud, paying attention to pronunciation and intonation. Regular speaking practice will help improve your fluency and build confidence in expressing yourself in Japanese.

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Step 4: Enhance Reading and Writing Skill

Reading and writing are essential skills for understanding and expressing yourself in Japanese. Here are some tips to enhance your reading and writing skills:

Reading: Start with simple texts such as children’s books, graded readers, or online articles designed for language learners. Gradually increase the difficulty level as you progress. Pay attention to kanji characters, hiragana, and katakana. Practice reading aloud to improve pronunciation and rhythm.

Writing: Begin by writing simple sentences and gradually progress to more complex compositions. Keep a journal in Japanese to practice writing regularly. Focus on proper usage of kanji characters, hiragana, and katakana. Seek feedback from native speakers or language tutors to improve your writing skills.

By regularly practicing reading and writing, you will become more comfortable with written Japanese and improve your overall language proficiency.

Step 5: Simulate Test Conditions for Practice

To effectively prepare for the Nihongo Achievement Test, it is important to simulate test conditions during your practice sessions. This will help you familiarize yourself with the format of the test and build confidence in your abilities.

Take advantage of mock tests that are designed to replicate the actual test conditions. These practice tests are available online or in study guides and provide you with an opportunity to test your skills under timed conditions. Practice under these time constraints to improve your time management skills and ensure you can complete the test within the allocated time.

During your mock tests, pay attention to your performance in each section. Identify areas of strength and weakness and adjust your study plan accordingly. Use these practice tests as a benchmark to track your progress and make necessary improvements.

By simulating test conditions, you will be better prepared to tackle the Nihongo Achievement Test with confidence on the actual test day.

Key Areas to Focus for The Nihongo Achievement Test

When preparing for the Nihongo Achievement Test, it is important to focus on key areas that assess your language skills. Here are the main areas to prioritize in your study:

By focusing on these key areas, you will be able to demonstrate your language proficiency at an intermediate level and perform well in the Nihongo Achievement Test.

Arriving in Japan: First Steps

Upon arriving in Japan, Nepali students need to complete certain procedures to enter the country legally. Here’s what you need to do:

By following these steps upon arrival, Nepali students can ensure a smooth entry into Japan and legal status for their studies.

Mastering Hiragana and Katakana

Hiragana and katakana are two sets of characters used in the Japanese writing system. Mastering these characters is essential for reading and writing in Japanese.

Hiragana is the basic set of characters used for native Japanese words, particles, and verb conjugation. It consists of 46 characters, each representing a specific sound. Practice writing and recognizing hiragana characters to gain fluency in reading and writing Japanese texts.

Katakana is another set of characters used for foreign words, borrowed words, and onomatopoeic expressions. It also consists of 46 characters, which have the same sounds as hiragana characters but are written differently. Familiarize yourself with katakana by practicing reading and writing words commonly used from other languages.

Mastery of hiragana and katakana is essential for building a strong foundation in the Japanese language. Practice regularly and use flashcards or online resources to reinforce your knowledge of these characters.

Basic Kanji Essentials for Beginners

Kanji characters are an essential part of the Japanese writing system. Learning basic kanji is important for expanding your vocabulary and improving your reading comprehension skills.

Beginners should focus on learning common kanji characters that appear frequently in everyday written Japanese. Start with simple kanji that are used in common words and phrases. You can use flashcards or online resources to practice writing and recognizing these characters.

When learning kanji, it’s important to understand the meaning and stroke order of each character. Practice writing kanji to reinforce your memory and improve your understanding of their usage in different contexts.

As you progress in your Japanese language studies, gradually expand your kanji knowledge to cover complex characters. This will enhance your ability to comprehend and communicate effectively in written Japanese.

Tips for Effective Study Session

Effective study sessions are essential for making progress in your Nihongo study journey. Here are some tips to maximize the efficiency of your study sessions:

By implementing these tips, you can make your study sessions more effective and accelerate your progress in learning Nihongo.

Utilizing Online Resources and Apps

Online resources and language learning apps can be valuable tools to supplement your Nihongo study. Here are some ways you can utilize them:

By utilizing online resources and apps, you can supplement your study materials and make your Nihongo study more interactive and engaging.

Joining Study Groups and Finding Study Partners

Joining study groups or finding study partners can greatly enhance your Nihongo study experience. Here are the benefits of studying with others:

Consider joining local language exchange events, language schools, or online study groups to find like-minded individuals to study with. Together, you can achieve greater progress in your Nihongo study.


Achieving success in the Nihongo Achievement Test is within your reach with dedication and effective study techniques. Familiarizing yourself with the test format, mastering essential vocabulary and grammar, and simulating test conditions for practice are key steps in your preparation journey. Embrace challenges, utilize resources wisely, and seek support from study groups to overcome obstacles. Remember, consistent effort and a positive mindset will lead you to triumph on testing day. Interpreting your results and planning for future levels are essential post-test steps. Stay focused, persevere, and watch your Nihongo proficiency soar!